Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Always ask questions

I am quite possibly one of THE most inquisitive people you will ever meet in your life! I love questions, it's like those two weeks in middle school where the teacher taught me to ask who, what, where, why, (and how) before writting an essay are permanently engrained in my mind. I don't purposely ask a ton of questions to irritate people but it's kind of like a reflex for me now. I carry those simple questions with me everywhere because I learned at a young age that all the really important parts of a story are hidden in the details. In the past I've seen my affinity for questions as a negative thing, mostly because it seemed no one ever had any answers for me. However, today I realized it was my biggest asset.

I love questions because I hate confusion. Asking questions allows you to get through all the superficial layers of sugarcoated BS and get down to what's really important. Questions bring clarity and clarity brings peace of mind, simple as that.

See like I said before, the real story is always in the details. The story of who your are where you are and where you're going can all be figured out by answering a few simple questions. Problem is people are often afraid to question themselves, and even when they do decide to ask questions they ask all the wrong ones. I was taught to ask who, what, when, where and how, but even as a kid 'how' always seemed out of place. Oddly enough that's the one question we ask ourselves daily. The issue with always asking 'how' is you rarely have an answer. Unless we're talking about the past or can somehow see into the future, none of us ever know 'how'. It's like a trick question.

Replace your 'how?' with 'what? and why?'. Those are questions you actually hold the answers to, even when you think you have no clue. Trust me when I say 'how?' can paralyze you. Stop wondering how things will work out and instead ask what..what is it you really want? once you think you have an answer get past the superficial layers and ask why? That question is a life changer.

Once you figure out the real reason why you want something it opens up a whole lot of lock doors, you start getting answers you didn't know you needed. Sometimes you realize you want certain things for all the wrong reasons, and learn that what you actually need is something completely different. Other times you're able to get in touch with some really amazing reasons as to why you want something; you're able to tap into your passion and light a spark inside yourself to make it happen. So don't be afraid to ask questions, especially when you're asking yourself. Ask questions, Ask often, Ask what, Ask why.

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