I think a lot of us have been conditioned to think that it's noble to suffer or be unhappy. Even from childhood all my favorite princesses had a tragic side to their story, and the tragedy was necessary! I mean they would've never gotten rescued by their prince had they not been in distress. And maybe I watched one too many spanish soap operas growing up, but I felt like I had to have drama in my life in order to get my happy ending... I was under this crazy illusion that you can't be happy unless you have pain first. So when bad things came up I held on tight, I'd almost feed off of it. I got into the habit of victimizing myself (not aloud to others but tust me I definately had that "poor me, life hates me" conversation with myself more than once). Before you know it you're in a chronic state of unhappiness, telling yourself you're trying to find your way out but this is something that's just out of your control.
Truth is there is no secret key to happiness, and the only reason it seems so unattainable to us is because we make it so. One of my favorite quotes is "If you want to be happy...BE". It's as simple as that. Sometimes we get so caught up in our external circumstances that we forget how much power we really have in our lives. All you have to do is choose to be happy and commit to that decision. Happiness isn't something you get when everything around you is "perfect". Happiness doesn't come around when you have a lot of money or the perfect relationship. Happiness is a state of mind, and depends on nothing and no one but you. Now I know things happen in life that hurt us, it's not all fairies and unicorns 24/7, pain does exist. But All you have to do is realize every difficult situation in your life is just a lesson waiting to be learned. Recognize pain as opportunity for growth. Start being thankful for those difficult moments, cherish the lessons they taught you, let go of the pain, and look forward to the beautiful things life has in store for you. Once you decide you really want to be happy and change the way you percieve things you'll find happiness in the most unexpected places. Always remember there's a ton of things to be thankful for and happy about, and if you can't think of one, just check your pulse...
PS Here's an amazing song that I think goes along with this theme of happiness.
Hope you like it.
Much ♥
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