Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Say Hello to Goodbye

Goodbye is one of those words that stirs up a wide range of emotions in people. Emotional goodbyes can range from scary and painful to hopeful and exciting. My goodbyes were almost always pretty sad, someone was always on the brink of tears. However, lately I've started to see goodbyes as something so beautiful it's almost poetic.
My friends and I have a habit of trying to decipher our dreams, we believe they usually hold some hidden message from our subconscious. I know this may seem silly to some, but it's fun for us and you have no idea how many brilliant epiphanies I've had while trying to figure out the meaning of a dream! I distinctly remember one dream my friend told me about where it started at a certain point and went on kind of like a movie except instead of having an end it just went right back to the begining of the dream. You may think it sounds like a standard weird dream, but this really hit me hard. At that moment I realized there are no endings, only beginings. Now just let that sink in for a moment because it's actually really deep...
Everything in your life leads to something else. People like to percieve life as being very linear but I really see it as more of a circle, there's always something more. All of our goodbyes are really only new beginings. They mark the start of a new adventure, a new love, new chance for growth. All goodbyes open doors to an unlimited amount of possibilities. How beautiful is that?!?! I'm seriously just getting excited thinking about this. Looking at goodbyes this way makes it so much easier to accept when we have to say them. Whether you're walking away from a job, a person, or just a comfort zone, never be afraid of goodbye. Embrace the beauty and poetry of those moments. Know and trust that it's never the end, it's always the start of something more.

Much ♥

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