Monday, December 5, 2011

Feeling stuck? EFF IT LET'S GO!

Lately I've noticed that I have a tendency to hold back. If the outcome of a situation seems unsure my natural instinct is to shy away from it. Doing this has honestly done more harm than good. I mean yes there are certain decisions I didn't make that I'm extremely thankful for, but overall not making any moves has just left me stuck!

Yesterday I was feeling just that, stuck, unsure of my future, but entirely too scared to make a move.
I'd just gotten back home from a trip and was eager to catch up on emails, when I logged onto my computer one of the first things I saw was a vlog by the amazing Gabrielle Bernstein (who I pretty much consider my mentor, I mean seriously she will change your life!). and this vlog was basically talking about going for it. Say eff it let's go, don't just sit there DO something.

 After watching it I sat and just thought for a minute...I was "stuck" in a city I didn't want, "stuck" in a job I didn't enjoy, "stuck" feeling mediocre. But the truth is you're NEVER really stuck, there are always options, always a way out. I'd just been using that "stuck" excuse to hide the fact that I was really just too scared to make a change. Life will always bring opportunities for greatness our way, all we have to do is take them. Sometimes we don't see those opportunities because we're stuck in fear, or if we do see them we're too scared to make a move. But sometimes you just have to set those fears aside and go for it. If you feel stuck it's your responsibility to take positive action and change it.

So here's Gabby's vlog, I hope it speaks to you as much as it did to me
sending you guys much love ♥

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